
Seminar in Almedalen – How can Sweden take a leading role in the transition to fossil-free transports?

The Pathways Coalitions hosted a public seminar in Almedalen on the subject “How can Sweden take a leading position in the transition to fossil free heavy transports?”.

What needs to be done for a faster transition to fossil free heavy transports was discussed by representatives from the transport value chain, politicians with roles in the Committee on Transport and Communications, Sven Hunhammar from the Swedish Transport Administration and Per Eckemark from the Swedish Energy Agency. The main focus was on electrification, which will be crucial to reach the climate goals for the transport sector. To reach the ambitious targets e-highways, battery technology and biofuels need to be used in a smart and coordinated manner. How the government, trade and industry can collaborate to secure speed and smart decisions for a fast and smooth transition was also an important topic.

You can see a web broadcast from the seminar here.

Autumn mountain landcape with truck driving over a bridge. Text in Swedish and The Pathways Coalition logo on photo.

Participants in the seminar were:

  • Malin Strand, projektledare, Fossilfritt Sverige
  • Sven Hunhammar, Måldirektör, Trafikverket
  • Per Eckemark, chef för division Nät, Svenska Kraftnät
  • Lina Ödéen, Sustainability manager global logistics, H&M
  • Erik Ljunberg, Senior Vice President Communications, Brand and Marketing and Sustainability, Scania
  • Anders Bylund, head of eMobility, Siemens
  • Johan Mörnstam, Vd E.ON Energidistribution
  • Anna-Caren Sätherberg (S), vice ordförande i Trafikutskottet
  • Jessika Roswall (M), ledamot Trafikutskottet
  • Anders Engström (C), vice ordförande i Trafikutskottet

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