
Seminar in Almedalen

The Pathways coalition invited members of the Swedish parliament to discuss how to reach the climate targets and how businesses and policymakers can lead change. To the benefit of all – companies, citizens, and ecosystems.

The corporate panel was worried about policy makers taking “a backseat position”, not showing enough leadership in the transformation to a low emitting heavy transport system. The companies have aligned their strategies to their climate commitments and have taken the leadership in their respective industries. The rational is to support customers in their transition, to attract the best and brightest employees, to access financial resources to invest i green technology and to secure longterm profitability.

In the discussion the need for long term commitment and policies, close contacts between policy makers and the value chain policies affect, joint initiatives and strong leadership were themes that were high-lighted. Short term changes and fast changes of fundamental policies must be avoided. The business leaders sent a clear message:

  • We need to act now
  • We need political leadership and corporate climate leadership, respecting science
  • We need policy makers that agree on and stand by longterm fundamental policies
  • We need to interact more to learn and find the best solutions for all stakeholders
  • If we fail that will affect the wealth of Sweden – innovation, growth, jobs and the welfare system,

Participants from The Pathways Coalition were:

Christian Levin,CEO Traton & Scania CV

Johan Mörnstam, Vd E.ON SverigeEuropachef för E.ON Networks

Mikael Bäck, VP and Corporate Officer, Ericsson

With special guest, Vanessa Butani, VP Group Sustainability Electrolux


Swedish members of parliament:

Kjell Arne Ottosson, Vice chaiman of the Committee on Environment

and Agriculture, Kristdemokraterna

Anna-Caren Sätherberg, Member of the Committee on Environment

and Agriculture, Socialdemokraterna

Johanna Hornberger, Member of the Committee on Environment

and Agriculture, Moderaterna

Daniel Helldén, Member of the Committee on Transport and

Communications, Miljöpartiet

Seminar in Almedalen

The Pathways coalition invited members of the Swedish parliament to discuss how to reach the climate targets and how businesses and policymakers can lead change....

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