Our vision is fossil-free commercial heavy transport by 2050, or earlier, in line with the Paris agreement, which is not only possible, but also financially sound from a societal perspective.
It can only be achieved if we work together and it is only when we join forces that we can achieve the speed of change required. Four influential industry players now join forces to achieve fossil-free commercial transport by 2050 or earlier. We welcome all to join us in our efforts.
Our current activities and appearances.
Our voice
The latest in our venture to lead the way to a fossil-free future.
Seminar in Almedalen
The Pathways coalition invited members of the Swedish parliament to discuss how to reach the climate targets and how businesses and policymakers can lead change....
Broadcast from IAA Transport i Hannover
We are each others value chains, what is needed to reach our respective climate targets? Pathways Coalition members got together at the trade show to...
The Pathways Coalition makes commitment to the Swedish Commission for Electrification
With this commitment to electrify, The Pathways Coalition show how we, the companies in The Pathways Coalition, can accelerate the transition of freight transport to...
published resources
The most recent reports and whitepapers concerning our goals.
The Coalition
The Pathways Coalition was formed by E.ON, H&M Group, Scania and Siemens to accelerate decarbonisation of heavy transport. Postnord joined in 2021. The member companies commit to the vision of the Coalition, to the objective to reach zero CO2 latest by year 2050, to contribute with real action in the partnership and to contribute funds in accordance with joint decisions.