
We Welcome the Electrification Commission

Within the framework of the upcoming Budget Bill, the government, together with The Centre Party and The Liberal Party, have agreed to establish the Electrification Commission. The Commission will work for the expansion of electric roads in Sweden. It is a very welcome initiative!

The Swedish Climate Policy Council has shown that electrification of heavy road transport is necessary for Sweden to be able to achieve the climate goal for domestic transport by 2030. Therefore, joint work is now needed to expand a charging infrastructure for heavy road transport. The Electrification Commission can act as a catalyst for that work, provided it is done at a high pace.

Our view is that the work of getting electricity to priority roads should begin as soon as possible. At the same time, new decision-making processes must be developed that shorten lead time, develop an expansion plan for charging infrastructure for long-haul trucks, and leave the phase with pilot tests, and now move on to a large-scale roll-out of electric roads. In this area, there are several important choices about technology, financing, and division of responsibilities, which the Electrification Commission needs to work with. In addition, it is important that Sweden cooperates with Germany and France to set a common standard within the EU.

Together, Scania, E.ON, Siemens and H&M have formed a coalition to accelerate the shift to fossil-free heavy transport. We are happy to share our expertise to contribute to the Electrification Commission’s work.

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